Progress job posting on Joel India Jobs Board
Joel from JoelOnSoftware has this jobs board specific to India jobs which we are trying for the first time. The idea is that we will either get a bunch of resumes from the kind of people we like to hire or hear from or we will not get anything at all. Our usual experience from recruitment agencies and job sites like Monster is that we get a lot of resumes (with less than 10 percent being the ones we seriously consider and interview) and sifting through them just kills us.
Here's the link to the job post
I would love to hear from people who have tried the Joel India Jobs Board and hear their experiences. If this works for us we'll do more job posts here.
This is the text of the job post -
Software Engineer
at Progress Software
Hyderabad, India
We are looking for smart and competent people to join and enhance the experience of SOA development for our users. The next few releases are going to be very exciting as we add features to improve developer productivity, including refactoring distributed applications, visual development, and on-line assistants.
We are looking for excellent programmers in Java with up to 3 years in experience who also possess these qualities -
Creativity - we like people who can think of new features for our products and make a difference to our users
Capability - we want people who are very good at programming and can demonstrate it to us
Self-driven - we are self-driven people who are expected to work with minimal supervision and get things done
Any in-depth Swing or Eclipse development experience is a plus but not a requirement.
The team is completely based out of Hyderabad and has a QA to developer ratio of over 1-to-1. We participate in local college internship programs and in various forums.
Comments about the Joel Test: We fix all test blockers before we write new code. The "quiet working conditions" implies offices as per the Joel Test - we have workspaces and we like to mingle and have some fun.
Our interview process is heavily biased towards programming skills so please apply only if you are serious and think of yourself to be an excellent programmer.
Joel Test Score: 11/12

Hi Sachin!!
You can also try our blog and receive some quality profiles.
Job Blogger
Check this out for jobs in india........
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